Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Hi ya all, hope you are doing great and have not missed me too much? I have a wonderful piece on cancer cells that might make you sad and spur you into eating and living healthy. But it is important that I share it with you. The most important way to fight any disease is with knowledge, by knowing what causes it, how to prevent it and adhering strictly to its preventive ways we can reduce the chances of acquiring the disease (I hope you understand what I am trying to say).

It would be wonderful if you don’t keep this information to yourself but share with others. Hope you are enlightened with it.

Here are the facts:
Fact #1: Every person has cancer cells in the body (that is not good to know). These cancer cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billion. This means that when doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after treatment, it is because the tests are unable to detect the cancer cells as they have not reached the detectable cells.

Fact #2: Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in a person’s lifetime.

Fact #3: Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. Exercising daily and deep breathing help to get more oxygen down to the cellular level (i.e. the body’s cells). Now you have one more reason to exercise. Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer cells.

Fact #4: When a person’s immune system is strong, the cancer cells will be destroyed and be prevented from multiplying and forming tumors. So try to take lots of fruits and vegetables to help improve your immune system.

Fact #5: When a person has cancer it indicates such person has multiple nutritional deficiencies. It could also be due to genetic, environmental, food and lifestyle factors.

Fact #6: Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering. By refraining from / eating less of meat, it frees more enzymes to attack the protein walls of cancer cells and allows the body‘s killer cells to destroy the cancer cells.

Know that cancer is a disease of the mind, body and spirit. Having a proactive and positive spirit would help the cancer patient to be a survivor. Anger, resentment and bitterness put the body into a stressful and acidic environment. Learn to have a loving and forgiving spirit. Learn to relax and enjoy life (everyone should do that).

Hope you enjoyed today’s piece. Remember to share what you have learnt with other people.
Stay beautifully blessed, your girl, Bim nubi. Ciao.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.